How can I deploy from AppVeyor Print

  • 36

First you will need to download your Publishing Profile from within your SolidCP account.

Head to SolidCP

Click Hosting Space Menu on the left-hand side of the control panel.

Click Web Sites

Click on the Domain for the website you wish to use

Click on the Web Publishing

If it's not enabled you will need to enter a password and then click Enable

Finally click on Download Publishing Profile for this website, and then open the file using Notepad.

Using the settings found in this file enter them into your AppVeyor project as follows - Being sure to change SITENAME to the msdeploySite value:

EU / UK Hosted Sites:

Server (publishUrl):

US Hosted Sites:

Server (publishUrl):

Website Name (msdeploySite): SITENAME:
Username (userName): Web Publishing Username
Password (userPWD): Web Publishing Pasword.


If you are using YAML for your AppVeyor project, then you need to set it similar to below (Being sure to change the deploy name to your environment name):

version: 1.0.0-{build}
image: Visual Studio 2017
configuration: UAT
    - packages -> **\packages.config
before_build: nuget restore
    publish_wap: true
 provider: Environment
   branch: master


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